Hey there👋🏽,
I'm Pratham Palresha
IT Engineer
From India
About Me
Don't Comment On Bad Code,Rewrite it!

I'm proficiently focussed on improving my skills mainly around:
Python,ReactJS ,HTML,CSS based projects DSA.
I am also interested in the field of embedded systems, which are used in a wide range of products, from smartphones to cares to medical devicees. I am eager to learn about the latest technologies and innovations in the field, and I am excited to use my skills and knowledge to solve real-wowrld problems.

My Skills
Skills Reflects Our Knowledge

Specific skills I have worked with include Python, JavaScript, C, HTML, CSS, etc. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for any engineering position.
Also Worked On 5+ Projects.
"Learn About oneself.Identity strengths/Weakness. Identity biases"

Years Of

Python is known for its user-friendly nature, featuring a straightforward and easy-to-grasp syntax. I initiated a project named "Doorbell Security" that utilizes facial recognition technology.


React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook which, among other things, was used to build Instagram.com.


HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, serves as the coding language employed to organize the structure and content of a webpage. I initiated a project titled "Educational Website."


CSS is the acronym of “Cascading Style Sheets”. CSS is a computer language for laying out and structuring web pages (HTML or XML).I have initiated a project named "Educational Website" that involves the use of CSS.


Embedded systems are commonly found in consumer, industrial, automotive, home appliances, medical.I have initiated a project named "Doorbell Security" that involves the use of Embedded C.


Figma is a design platform crafted for individuals to generate and evaluate designs for websites and various digital products and experiences. I've completed two projects using Figma.

Contact Me
Have Any Project?

A project is a planned piece of work or activity that is completed over a period of time and is intended to achieve a particular purpose. Projects are temporary in nature and have definitive start and end dates..